Sunday, May 10, 2015

Go Mannatech!

The last time I posted on this site I think I promised that I would keep it more up to date.  Well as one might suspect life got in the way and time was consumed by more important things.  Now, I have some breathing room and I would like to mention the new presenting sponsor of the Ironman 70.3 Buffalo Springs Lake triathlon and why it is such an outstanding fit.  After 11 years of a very successful sponsorship relationship with Alliance Federal Credit Union we learned in the early part of 2015 that they had decided to change directions in their sponsorship programs.  Long story short this meant that BSLT was out of the picture for them.  The relationship was very good under the management team that we were brought in by and we thank them(even though none of them are there now) very much.  Over the years the partnership did great things for both parties concerned.  Now, as we move on we are proud to say we are very happy to have a great life style whole food nutritional company, Mannatech, become our presenting sponsor.  As I talked through the possibilities with the Mannatech management I found that since triathlon is a healthy life time sport and Mannatech is truly a life style nutritional company, it would be great to be together on the same team.  That became a reality in early 2015 and Ironman 70.3 Buffalo Springs Lake triathlon was officially presented as a beneficiary of a presenting sponsorship for 2015 at the International Annual meeting in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area.  

Since I had been taking the Mannatech products for over 15 years this was easy for me to welcome this 20 year old dynamic company as the presenting sponsor.  It is my feeling that everyone on the planet should be looking at this product and even take it to insure that the best possible nutrients are being digested in their body.  As I attend the Mannatech meetings now I continually hear great testimonials concerning the science of the products and how their have helped so many people.  In some cases there are extreme health issues that are corrected and in other cases, such as myself, there are people who have been blessed with good health who take the product with goals of keeping themselves in good health.  As we age our body changes so we must change with it or possibly suffer the consequences.  Since I still work out 6 days per week for my triathlon training and compete in 10-15 triathlon events per year, it is imperative that I watch my food diet and the supplements that I take.  Over the years Mannatech has filled the bill for all my needs and I suggest that everyone at least look at the company and products available on  

In the future I will be featuring the Mannatech products and what they can do for you, and what they have done for other people.  Since their product line has grown considerably over the years it is important to know where each one fits and what they are to be used for.  Stay tuned!!


Thursday, December 25, 2014

I'm Back, New Stuff

Well of all things I have not posted on this site since December 25, 2011, so it will be fun to get this site going again.  I have some new companies that I am associated with now and they offer some gang buster new nutritional supplements that are very good.  So, all future posts will come more timely, at least once a month, and have up to date facts and figures about great nutritional supplements.  The good news is that each of these companies have products that are good for the heart and soul and come to you through whole foods.  Mannatech is a 20 year old company that offers a synergistic line of glyco-nutritional products for the every day person, not just athletes. But it does offer a line of products for athletes from weekend warriors to professionals. Personally I have used the MaTech products for 15 years, so they are part of my secret for staying healthy and active.   Body Health on the other hand specializes in products that will help athletes, but also people looking for alternative health care.  Dr. Midkoff is a medical doctor that is very open minded to alternative medicines and procedures and has designed new products that are sold through his company.  I have also used his products for triathlon training, especially for half and full Ironman events.  In the future I have will talking about these products and how they may be used for better health.     

Stay tuned!!!!


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Newest 11 Points of Healthy Ageless Living

What a perfect day to post on Maturefitness.  While my posts on this site are not big in numbers I believe they have enough substance to carry them through till the next one.   At any rate my subject for today has been presented to age groups varying from 14-88, male, female and varied demographics.  Each time I present it in person I am amazed of the enthusiasm there is for the subject and the feedback that I get!  Here goes:

My “11 Points of Healthy Ageless Living” have also been labeled my “secrets” but they really are not.  I love sharing them any chance I get and wanted to post them on this site so they could be there for the new year.  These points are as a result of someone asking me my secrets to an active, healthy, (seemingly) ageless, life.  So, I wrote them down one day and here is what I got:

  • Mythical age-if you did not know your birthdate how old would you think you are?

  • Nutrition-Balanced, considering current health condition, possibly 40-30-30(40%Carbs, 40% Protein, 40% Fat)

  • Physical exercise-good aerobic exercise, keeping heart rate up for 20-30 minutes, at 75% maximum, 3-4 days per week.  

  • Mental exercise-spiritual, being true to yourself, sense of urgency, etc.  Read a diversity of subject matters.

  • Active sex life-WOW, Napoleon Hill says, “the sex desire is the most powerful of human desires.  This desire brings out keenness of imagination, courage, will power, persistence and creative ability unknown to them at other times.”

  • Balance in life-Moderation is a good word here, and the hardest to do.  

  • Passing through life transitions-positively!  Ask not what another 10 years can do to your life, but what it can do for your life!

  • Prevent holding grudges-Be able to forgive and forget, mend bridges.  Do not be pulled into others control dramas to the point of destruction.

  • Passion-not be confused with sex life, but passion for life itself applied to your   profession and avocation. 

        *   Embrace adversity-attack it and grow through the master of it!

  • Family & Friends-this element is very important and must be recognized daily!

NOTE:   After looking these over make your own list or use any of these that might fit.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Reflections, My Promise

While I have been a little short on posts for this site I would like to get something logged in for the new year. Since time flies so fast it will be August before I know it. My advice for the new year and resolutions are just go back to my previous blogs and see what it says about goal achievement for the New Year.

Here are some fun reflections on life, that may draw a few giggles:

  1. Never raise your hands to your kids. It leaves your groin unprotected.
  2. I’m not into working out. My philosopy is no pain, no pain!
  3. I’m in shape. Round is a shape!
  4. I’m desperately trying to figure out whey Kamikaze pilots wore helmets!
  5. Do you think illiterate people get the full affect of alphabet soup?
  6. I’ve always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific!
  7. Even notice when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at you, but when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window?
  8. Ever notice that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster than you is a maniac?
  9. You have to stay in shape. My mother started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She’s 97 now and we have no idea where she is.
  10. I have six locks on my door, all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three of them.

Remember exercising the heart is the most important muscle in the body. I promise that if you exercise that muscle 3-4 times per week for 20-30 minutes and minimum heart rate(75% of maximum rate, found by taking your age from 220), you will have done all the exercise you need. There are no less than a 100 ways to achieve this heart rate.

For today,

mike greer

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vitamin D Importance, Aging Can Be Fun

VITAMIN D: My sources say the hottest new healer now is Vitamin D, yep that same ole vitamin that is called the “sunshine” vitamin. Lack of this sunshine vitamin is linked to cancer, heart disease and diabetes--and at least one third of the population does not get enough. So, how do we go about getting enough of this little jewel?

It is hard to get enough D through food, since there just isn’t much out there except in mushrooms that are rich in D. Fatty fish such as salmon can provide some Vitamin D but when it comes down to it, ole sunshine is the real source. Okay now you say, well what about skin cancer dangers? Well just like anything you can get a good safe dose with 5-10 minutes of midday(10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m.) sun on your arms and legs. This will provide you about 3,000 IUs of D to a light-skinned Caucasian. Getting that amount 2-3 times a week is enough for most, but those with a big deficiency may need it daily. Adults up to age 70 should get 600 IUs of vitamin D a day, and those over 70 should get 800 IUs a day. Vitamin D is also available in supplements; however, before getting alarmed check with your doctor to see if you have a deficiency.

UPSIDES OF AGING: Sorry I didn’t realize there was an upside to aging but as I experience this every day and realize that it is inevitable I really enjoyed this information that makes some good points on the positives of aging. For many elders, it says, life past 70 is better than they imagined it to be. It’s filled with challenges but lots of new horizons. Here are some points that were given by a noted gerontologist: ATTITUDE-If your attitude is that you’re still good, you still enjoy life, there’s still purpose in your life, you’ll do well. GREER POINT-now the secret to this is to position your self where you can feel this way. If you hang around aging people who do not feel this way then you are doomed. You must figure out a way to stay in the “main stream” of life, and that is easier said than done for many. EMBRACE THE OPPORTUNITIES-Each decade and each age has opportunities that weren’t actually there in the previous time. They have been joys in each stage of lie. The thing is, people are so afraid of getting old. Don’t worry about it. It’s an adventure. GREER POINT-couldn’t agree more with these statements; however the key to having this feeling and attitude is maintaining good health. So, nutrition and exercise is a key ingredient to being able to maintaining a good attitude. Your health is your true wealth!!! YOU HAVE SAGE ADVICE TO GIVE-As experienced people of this world, part of the aging process should be the ability to share this with younger people. As you age you gather knowledge and experience that should be worthwhile to the younger generation. GREER POINT-While the accumulation of knowledge and experience is correct the ability to share it with the young is more challenging than one might think. Depending on the culture you are in determines how much you can really share. In the culture I happen to be in, which is the one I know the most about, the young do not have the same respect for the elderly. Sometimes they feel you are in the their way to success or they do not have the patience to sit back and listen. With the new electronic means of communicating it has changed our world to instant and continuous communication that many times leads to not getting things done. When I go out to dinner with people in the 25-40 age groups I find that the first thing they do is pull out their cell phones and then they start texting. When I am out with people in my age group 65-75 you never see their cell phones since they communicate the old fashion way, with their minds and mouth.

The real key to healthy, happy aging is to feel good in the age that you currently are. Never wish to be younger but to be healthier as the years go by. Then you have the knowledge and experience to share this with whom ever may want to listen.

Mike Greer

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Bad Drink, New Product-Astaxanthin

It has been some time since the last posting and I really don’t have any good excuses other than I have been real “busy” and just haven’t paid any attention to this site. That is the bad news, but the good news is that I have some really good stuff to give you today.

Dr. Weil is considered one of the real authorities on healthy aging. I have his book on my shelf and receive his weekly online newsletter. This past week I received some information that I will pass along that is informative and may be helpful. He suggests that to prevent weight gain, and prevent drinking potentially un-healthy beverages you consider eliminating the following drinks:

  • Coffee drinks, substitute green tea
  • Summer cocktails, Margiritas(800 calories) substitute Red Wine(60-100 calories).
  • Juice drinks that are not real juice, but are flavored juices. Go for 100% juice only
  • Soda-there is no good food value in carbonated soda, substitute water.

While attending the Kona, HI Ironman expo I noticed a new supplement called Astaxanthin(pronounced asta-ZAN-thin). Cyanotech Corporation naturally produces it at their facilities in Kona, HI. It is sold direct or through retail stores that stock it. It is NOT sold by multi-level network marketing companies. It is a thoroughly researched product that appears to have many great features and has proven to produce the following excellent results because of the antioxidants derived from the family of compounds called “carotnoids.” Here are some of the things this product has done for other people and could possible do for you:

  1. Reduce aches and pains from arthritis, joint soreness, etc.
  2. Control deadly “silent inflamation”, that causes heart disease, stroke, cancer, etc.
  3. Give energy, increase strength and improve endurance
  4. Work as an internal “sunscreen” and improve the skin’s natural beauty
  5. Improve the body’s immune system
  6. Protect the eyes and brain from damaging free radicals and oxidation
  7. Support cardiovascular health and normal cholesterol levels

Sound too good to be true, well who knows except they base their claims off of actual human case studies. Since they offered an expo deal I bought two bottles and have been taking them, as directed, since October 5. They explained that you will not really feel any dramatic changes instantly and that it could take up to 60 days. I will report back after I finish the second bottle. I am training for three half marathons in November, December and February, so this should be a good test. But, I do want to point out that the product is for EVERYONE not just athletes.

For further information please go to their web site:

Got to get out of here and do a long run!!

mike greer

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Strong Bones

When I was a teenager growing up and being a West Texas football player I believed that if I drank lots of whole milk I would be stronger and faster than anybody. So, I drank 1 quart of milk with each of my three meals per day. Whether I was the strongest or fastest I do not know for sure, but I do know I was healthy and had very few injuries through out my 13 years of playing football. I attribute that to my consumption of that pearly while stuff called “cows milk.” It is my belief that it is critical in the early years of a persons life and it has life time benefits. After my recent bicycle crash the doctors tell me that my quick recovery and lack of broken hip bones was attributed to my really strong bones. To me that is “proof in the pudding” as to my early feelings about the healthy benefits I was receiving from consuming milk.

Here are some milk facts to consider: Milk is one of the best sources of calcium and about 72% of the calcium in the U.S. food supply comes from dairy foods. Calcium in soy milk is not as readily available for the body to use as it is in cow’s milk. One cup of milk has the same amount of calcium as 3.5 cups of broccoli. Also, flavored milk offers children a package of essential nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, potassium and vitamin D.

So, as you pass by another dairy during your many travels, how about a little thank you to those hard working black and white Holsteins! Their hard work in producing a very healthy product for the food chain deserves a strong salute of thanks!

Mike Greer